Monday, January 26, 2009

Happy Chinese "New" Year

I'm confuse...totally...sometimes i don't understand...the world the days the people the life seems like...abit meaningless to me...Everyday i'm like a well-stet robot, repeating the stuffs i've been doin on the previous day and the day b4 the previous day and so on and on----wake up--eat--study( on school days ) / rest--eventually will fall asleep--wake up again--eat again--computer--eat again and again--maybe sleep ?? ..........

I feel like i'm not satisfy with the routine, i seek for changes, but what ?? Change the sequences and it become --> wake up, wake up, eat, eat, and eat, and sleep ??!!! No, that's definitely not what i wish for... Maybe i should modify it and add some sports/outing into it ?? well, that's not either....Anyway, whatever happened has passed..However, today, as the brand new day in the lunar calendar, i shall start my life all over again ( not from the baby stage of coz ) and escape from the meaningless routined life...

this year, i only have 2 wishes, one for YOU, and another one for ME...

1 comment:

  1. Seem like it is difficult to change your monotonuous life in this new year.

    Cheer up, life is like that, just how you look at it. This is called emperor life!
